Sunday, March 15, 2015

Skill Dota 2

Ada banyak sekali skill-skill di dota 2 seperti di bawah ini :

Skill Hero
DotA2 Skills: Acid Spray
DotA2 Skills: Activate Fire Remnant
DotA2 Skills: Adaptive Strike
DotA2 Skills: Aftershock
DotA2 Skills: Alacrity
DotA2 Skills: Amplify Damage
DotA2 Skills: Anchor Smash
DotA2 Skills: Ancient Seal
DotA2 Skills: Aphotic Shield
DotA2 Skills: Arc Lightning
DotA2 Skills: Arcane Aura
DotA2 Skills: Arcane Bolt
DotA2 Skills: Arcane Orb
DotA2 Skills: Arctic Burn
DotA2 Skills: Assassinate
DotA2 Skills: Astral Imprisonment
DotA2 Skills: Astral Spirit
DotA2 Skills: Atrophy Aura
DotA2 Skills: Avalanche
DotA2 Skills: Backstab
DotA2 Skills: Backtrack
DotA2 Skills: Ball Lightning
DotA2 Skills: Bash
DotA2 Skills: Battery Assault
DotA2 Skills: Battle Cry
DotA2 Skills: Battle Hunger
DotA2 Skills: Battle Trance
DotA2 Skills: Berserker's Blood
DotA2 Skills: Berserker's Call
DotA2 Skills: Berserker's Rage
DotA2 Skills: Berserker's Rage Active
DotA2 Skills: Black Hole
DotA2 Skills: Blade Dance
DotA2 Skills: Blade Fury
DotA2 Skills: Blinding Light
DotA2 Skills: Blink
DotA2 Skills: Blink
DotA2 Skills: Blink Strike
DotA2 Skills: Blood Rite
DotA2 Skills: Bloodlust
DotA2 Skills: Bloodrage
DotA2 Skills: Blur
DotA2 Skills: Boar Poison
DotA2 Skills: Borrowed Time
DotA2 Skills: Boulder Smash
DotA2 Skills: Brain Sap
DotA2 Skills: Break Tether
DotA2 Skills: Breathe Fire
DotA2 Skills: Bristleback
DotA2 Skills: Burning Spear
DotA2 Skills: Burrowstrike
DotA2 Skills: Call Down
DotA2 Skills: Call of the Wild (Boar)
DotA2 Skills: Call of the Wild (Hawk)
DotA2 Skills: Caustic Finale

DotA2 Skills: Chain Frost
DotA2 Skills: Chakra Magic
DotA2 Skills: Chakram
DotA2 Skills: Chakram (Aghanim)
DotA2 Skills: Chaos Bolt
DotA2 Skills: Chaos Meteor
DotA2 Skills: Chaos Strike
DotA2 Skills: Chaotic Offering
DotA2 Skills: Charge of Darkness
DotA2 Skills: Chemical Rage
DotA2 Skills: Chilling Touch
DotA2 Skills: Chronosphere
DotA2 Skills: Cold Embrace
DotA2 Skills: Cold Feet
DotA2 Skills: Cold Snap
DotA2 Skills: Concussive Shot
DotA2 Skills: Conjure Image
DotA2 Skills: Consume
DotA2 Skills: Control
DotA2 Skills: Corrosive Skin
DotA2 Skills: Counter Helix
DotA2 Skills: Coup de Grace
DotA2 Skills: Craggy Exterior
DotA2 Skills: Crippling Fear
DotA2 Skills: Critical Strike
DotA2 Skills: Crypt Swarm
DotA2 Skills: Crystal Nova
DotA2 Skills: Culling Blade
DotA2 Skills: Curse of Avernus
DotA2 Skills: Curse of the Silent
DotA2 Skills: Cyclone
DotA2 Skills: Dark Pact
DotA2 Skills: Dark Rift

DotA2 Skills: Darkness
DotA2 Skills: Deafening Blast
DotA2 Skills: Death Pact
DotA2 Skills: Death Pulse
DotA2 Skills: Death Ward
DotA2 Skills: Deathlust
DotA2 Skills: Decay
DotA2 Skills: Decrepify
DotA2 Skills: Degen Aura
DotA2 Skills: Demolish
DotA2 Skills: Demonic Conversion
DotA2 Skills: Demonic Purge
DotA2 Skills: Desolate
DotA2 Skills: Devour
DotA2 Skills: Diabolic Edict
DotA2 Skills: Dismember
DotA2 Skills: Dispel Magic
DotA2 Skills: Dispersion
DotA2 Skills: Disruption
DotA2 Skills: Divided We Stand
DotA2 Skills: Doom
DotA2 Skills: Doppelganger
DotA2 Skills: Double Edge
DotA2 Skills: Dragon Blood
DotA2 Skills: Dragon Slave

DotA2 Skills: Dragon Tail
DotA2 Skills: Dream Coil
DotA2 Skills: Drunken Brawler
DotA2 Skills: Drunken Haze
DotA2 Skills: Dual Breath
DotA2 Skills: Duel
DotA2 Skills: Earth Spike
DotA2 Skills: Earth Splitter
DotA2 Skills: Earthbind
DotA2 Skills: Earthshock
DotA2 Skills: Echo Slam
DotA2 Skills: Echo Stomp
DotA2 Skills: Eclipse
DotA2 Skills: Elder Dragon Form
DotA2 Skills: Electric Vortex
DotA2 Skills: EMP
DotA2 Skills: Empower
DotA2 Skills: Empowering Haste
DotA2 Skills: Enchant
DotA2 Skills: Enchant Remnant
DotA2 Skills: Enchant Totem
DotA2 Skills: Enfeeble
DotA2 Skills: Enrage
DotA2 Skills: Ensnare
DotA2 Skills: Entangling Claws
DotA2 Skills: Epicenter
DotA2 Skills: Essence Aura
DotA2 Skills: Essence Shift
DotA2 Skills: Ether Shock
DotA2 Skills: Ethereal Jaunt
DotA2 Skills: Exorcism
DotA2 Skills: Exort
DotA2 Skills: Eye of the Storm
DotA2 Skills: Eyes in the Forest
DotA2 Skills: Fade Bolt
DotA2 Skills: False Promise
DotA2 Skills: Fatal Bonds
DotA2 Skills: Fate's Edict
DotA2 Skills: Feast
DotA2 Skills: Feral Impulse
DotA2 Skills: Fervor
DotA2 Skills: Fiend's Grip
DotA2 Skills: Fiery Soul
DotA2 Skills: Finger of Death
DotA2 Skills: Fire Remnant
DotA2 Skills: Fire Spirits
DotA2 Skills: Fireblast
DotA2 Skills: Firefly
DotA2 Skills: Firestorm
DotA2 Skills: Fissure
DotA2 Skills: Flak Cannon
DotA2 Skills: Flame Guard
DotA2 Skills: Flamebreak
DotA2 Skills: Flaming Fists
DotA2 Skills: Flaming Lasso
DotA2 Skills: Flesh Golem
DotA2 Skills: Flesh Heap
DotA2 Skills: Flux
DotA2 Skills: Focus Fire
DotA2 Skills: Focused Detonate
DotA2 Skills: Forge Spirit
DotA2 Skills: Forge Spirit Melting Strike
DotA2 Skills: Fortune's End
DotA2 Skills: Freezing Field
DotA2 Skills: Frost Arrows
DotA2 Skills: Frost Blast
DotA2 Skills: Frostbite
DotA2 Skills: Frozen Sigil
DotA2 Skills: Fury Swipes
DotA2 Skills: Geminate Attack
DotA2 Skills: Geomagnetic Grip
DotA2 Skills: Geostrike

DotA2 Skills: Ghost Ship
DotA2 Skills: Ghost Walk
DotA2 Skills: Glaives of Wisdom
DotA2 Skills: Glimpse
DotA2 Skills: Global Silence
DotA2 Skills: God's Strength
DotA2 Skills: Golem Permanent Immolation

DotA2 Skills: Grave Chill
DotA2 Skills: Gravekeeper's Cloak
DotA2 Skills: Great Cleave
DotA2 Skills: Greater Bash
DotA2 Skills: Greater Hawk Invisibility
DotA2 Skills: Greevil's Greed
DotA2 Skills: Grow!
DotA2 Skills: Guardian Angel
DotA2 Skills: Gush
DotA2 Skills: Gust
DotA2 Skills: Hand of God

DotA2 Skills: Haunt
DotA2 Skills: Headshot
DotA2 Skills: Healing Ward
DotA2 Skills: Heartstopper Aura
DotA2 Skills: Heat Seeking Missile

DotA2 Skills: Hex
DotA2 Skills: Hex
DotA2 Skills: Holy Persuasion
DotA2 Skills: Homing Missile
DotA2 Skills: Hoof Stomp
DotA2 Skills: Hookshot
DotA2 Skills: Howl
DotA2 Skills: Hunter in the Night
DotA2 Skills: Hurl Boulder
DotA2 Skills: Icarus Dive
DotA2 Skills: Ice Armor
DotA2 Skills: Ice Blast
DotA2 Skills: Ice Path
DotA2 Skills: Ice Shards
DotA2 Skills: Ice Vortex
DotA2 Skills: Ice Wall
DotA2 Skills: Ignite
DotA2 Skills: Illuminate
DotA2 Skills: Illuminate (Spirit Form)
DotA2 Skills: Illuminate End
DotA2 Skills: Illusory Orb
DotA2 Skills: Impale
DotA2 Skills: Impetus
DotA2 Skills: Incapacitating Bite
DotA2 Skills: Infest
DotA2 Skills: Inner Beast
DotA2 Skills: Inner Vitality
DotA2 Skills: Insatiable Hunger
DotA2 Skills: Invisibility
DotA2 Skills: Invoke
DotA2 Skills: Ion Shell
DotA2 Skills: Jinada
DotA2 Skills: Juxtapose
DotA2 Skills: Kinetic Field

DotA2 Skills: Kraken Shell
DotA2 Skills: Laguna Blade
DotA2 Skills: Land Mines
DotA2 Skills: Laser
DotA2 Skills: Last Word
DotA2 Skills: Launch Fire Spirit
DotA2 Skills: Launch Snowball
DotA2 Skills: Leap
DotA2 Skills: Leech Seed
DotA2 Skills: Life Break
DotA2 Skills: Life Drain
DotA2 Skills: Light Strike Array
DotA2 Skills: Lightning Bolt
DotA2 Skills: Lightning Storm
DotA2 Skills: Liquid Fire
DotA2 Skills: Living Armor
DotA2 Skills: Lucent Beam
DotA2 Skills: Lunar Blessing
DotA2 Skills: LVL? Death
DotA2 Skills: Macropyre
DotA2 Skills: Magic Missile
DotA2 Skills: Magnetic Field
DotA2 Skills: Magnetize
DotA2 Skills: Maledict
DotA2 Skills: Malefice
DotA2 Skills: Mana Break
DotA2 Skills: Mana Burn
DotA2 Skills: Mana Drain
DotA2 Skills: Mana Leak
DotA2 Skills: Mana Shield
DotA2 Skills: Mana Void
DotA2 Skills: March of the Machines
DotA2 Skills: Marksmanship
DotA2 Skills: Mass Serpent Ward
DotA2 Skills: Meat Hook
DotA2 Skills: Meld
DotA2 Skills: Metamorphosis
DotA2 Skills: Midnight Pulse
DotA2 Skills: Minefield Sign
DotA2 Skills: Mirror Image
DotA2 Skills: Mist Coil
DotA2 Skills: Moment of Courage
DotA2 Skills: Moon Glaive
DotA2 Skills: Moonlight Shadow
DotA2 Skills: Morph Agility Gain
DotA2 Skills: Morph Replicate
DotA2 Skills: Morph Strength Gain
DotA2 Skills: Mortal Strike
DotA2 Skills: Multicast
DotA2 Skills: Mystic Flare
DotA2 Skills: Mystic Snake
DotA2 Skills: Natural Order
DotA2 Skills: Nature's Attendants
DotA2 Skills: Nature's Call
DotA2 Skills: Nature's Guise
DotA2 Skills: Necromastery
DotA2 Skills: Nether Blast
DotA2 Skills: Nether Strike
DotA2 Skills: Nether Swap
DotA2 Skills: Nether Ward
DotA2 Skills: Nethertoxin
DotA2 Skills: Nightmare
DotA2 Skills: Nightmare End
DotA2 Skills: Null Field

DotA2 Skills: Omnislash
DotA2 Skills: Open Wounds
DotA2 Skills: Overcharge
DotA2 Skills: Overgrowth
DotA2 Skills: Overload
DotA2 Skills: Overpower
DotA2 Skills: Overwhelming Odds

DotA2 Skills: Paralyzing Cask
DotA2 Skills: Penitence
DotA2 Skills: Permanent Immolation
DotA2 Skills: Permanent Invisibility
DotA2 Skills: Phantasm
DotA2 Skills: Phantom Rush
DotA2 Skills: Phantom Strike
DotA2 Skills: Phase Shift
DotA2 Skills: Pit of Malice
DotA2 Skills: Plague Ward
DotA2 Skills: Plasma Field
DotA2 Skills: Poison Attack
DotA2 Skills: Poison Nova
DotA2 Skills: Poison Sting
DotA2 Skills: Poison Touch
DotA2 Skills: Poof
DotA2 Skills: Pounce
DotA2 Skills: Power Cogs
DotA2 Skills: Powershot
DotA2 Skills: Precision Aura
DotA2 Skills: Presence of the Dark Lord
DotA2 Skills: Press the Attack
DotA2 Skills: Primal Roar
DotA2 Skills: Primal Split
DotA2 Skills: Psi Blades
DotA2 Skills: Psionic Trap
DotA2 Skills: Pulse Nova
DotA2 Skills: Pulverize
DotA2 Skills: Purification
DotA2 Skills: Purifying Flames
DotA2 Skills: Quas
DotA2 Skills: Quill Spray
DotA2 Skills: Rabid
DotA2 Skills: Rage
DotA2 Skills: Ravage
DotA2 Skills: Reactive Armor
DotA2 Skills: Reality
DotA2 Skills: Reality Rift
DotA2 Skills: Reaper's Scythe
DotA2 Skills: Rearm
DotA2 Skills: Recall
DotA2 Skills: Reflection
DotA2 Skills: Refraction
DotA2 Skills: Regeneration
DotA2 Skills: Reincarnation
DotA2 Skills: Release
DotA2 Skills: Relocate
DotA2 Skills: Remote Mines
DotA2 Skills: Repel
DotA2 Skills: Replicate
DotA2 Skills: Requiem of Souls
DotA2 Skills: Return
DotA2 Skills: Return
DotA2 Skills: Return Astral Spirit
DotA2 Skills: Return Chakram
DotA2 Skills: Return Chakram (Aghanim)
DotA2 Skills: Reverse Polarity
DotA2 Skills: Rip Tide
DotA2 Skills: Rocket Barrage
DotA2 Skills: Rocket Flare
DotA2 Skills: Rolling Boulder
DotA2 Skills: Rot
DotA2 Skills: Rupture
DotA2 Skills: Sacred Arrow
DotA2 Skills: Sacrifice
DotA2 Skills: Sadist
DotA2 Skills: Sand Storm
DotA2 Skills: Sanity's Eclipse

DotA2 Skills: Scorched Earth
DotA2 Skills: Scream of Pain
DotA2 Skills: Searing Arrows
DotA2 Skills: Searing Chains
DotA2 Skills: Shackles
DotA2 Skills: Shackleshot
DotA2 Skills: Shadow Dance
DotA2 Skills: Shadow Poison
DotA2 Skills: Shadow Poison Release
DotA2 Skills: Shadow Strike
DotA2 Skills: Shadow Walk
DotA2 Skills: Shadow Wave
DotA2 Skills: Shadow Word
DotA2 Skills: Shadowraze
DotA2 Skills: Shallow Grave
DotA2 Skills: Shapeshift
DotA2 Skills: Shockwave
DotA2 Skills: Shrapnel
DotA2 Skills: Shukuchi
DotA2 Skills: Shuriken Toss
DotA2 Skills: Silence
DotA2 Skills: Skeleton Walk
DotA2 Skills: Skewer
DotA2 Skills: Sleight of Fist
DotA2 Skills: Slithereen Crush
DotA2 Skills: Smoke Screen
DotA2 Skills: Snowball
DotA2 Skills: Song of the Siren
DotA2 Skills: Song of The Siren Cancel
DotA2 Skills: Sonic Wave
DotA2 Skills: Soul Assumption
DotA2 Skills: Soul Catcher
DotA2 Skills: Soul Rip
DotA2 Skills: Spark Wraith
DotA2 Skills: Spawn Spiderite
DotA2 Skills: Spawn Spiderlings
DotA2 Skills: Spectral Dagger
DotA2 Skills: Spell Immunity
DotA2 Skills: Spell Immunity
DotA2 Skills: Spell Shield
DotA2 Skills: Spell Steal
DotA2 Skills: Spiderling Poison Sting
DotA2 Skills: Spiked Carapace
DotA2 Skills: Spin Web
DotA2 Skills: Spirit Form
DotA2 Skills: Spirit Lance
DotA2 Skills: Spirits
DotA2 Skills: Spirits In
DotA2 Skills: Spirits Out
DotA2 Skills: Splinter Blast
DotA2 Skills: Split Earth
DotA2 Skills: Split Shot
DotA2 Skills: Sprint
DotA2 Skills: Sprout
DotA2 Skills: Stampede
DotA2 Skills: Starstorm
DotA2 Skills: Stasis Trap
DotA2 Skills: Static Field
DotA2 Skills: Static Link
DotA2 Skills: Static Remnant
DotA2 Skills: Static Storm
DotA2 Skills: Sticky Napalm
DotA2 Skills: Stifling Dagger
DotA2 Skills: Stone Form
DotA2 Skills: Stone Gaze
DotA2 Skills: Stone Remnant
DotA2 Skills: Stop Icarus Dive
DotA2 Skills: Stop Sun Ray
DotA2 Skills: Storm Hammer
DotA2 Skills: Strafe
DotA2 Skills: Suicide Squad, Attack!
DotA2 Skills: Summon Familiars
DotA2 Skills: Summon Spirit Bear
DotA2 Skills: Summon Wolves
DotA2 Skills: Sun Ray
DotA2 Skills: Sun Strike
DotA2 Skills: Sunder
DotA2 Skills: Supernova
DotA2 Skills: Surge
DotA2 Skills: Synergy
DotA2 Skills: Take Aim
DotA2 Skills: Telekinesis
DotA2 Skills: Telekinesis Land
DotA2 Skills: Teleportation
DotA2 Skills: Tempest Double
DotA2 Skills: Test of Faith
DotA2 Skills: Test of Faith Teleport
DotA2 Skills: Tether
DotA2 Skills: The Swarm
DotA2 Skills: Thirst
DotA2 Skills: Throw Unstable Concoction
DotA2 Skills: Thunder Clap
DotA2 Skills: Thunder Strike
DotA2 Skills: Thundergod's Wrath

DotA2 Skills: Tidebringer
DotA2 Skills: Timber Chain
DotA2 Skills: Time Lapse
DotA2 Skills: Time Lock
DotA2 Skills: Time Walk
DotA2 Skills: Toggle Movement
DotA2 Skills: Tombstone
DotA2 Skills: Tornado
DotA2 Skills: Torrent
DotA2 Skills: Toss
DotA2 Skills: Track
DotA2 Skills: Trap

DotA2 Skills: True Form
DotA2 Skills: True Form Return
DotA2 Skills: Unrefined Fireblast
DotA2 Skills: Unstable Concoction
DotA2 Skills: Unstable Current
DotA2 Skills: Untouchable
DotA2 Skills: Upheaval
DotA2 Skills: Vacuum
DotA2 Skills: Vampiric Aura
DotA2 Skills: Vendetta
DotA2 Skills: Vengeance Aura
DotA2 Skills: Venomous Gale

DotA2 Skills: Viper Strike
DotA2 Skills: Viscous Nasal Goo
DotA2 Skills: Void
DotA2 Skills: Voodoo Restoration
DotA2 Skills: Wall of Replica
DotA2 Skills: Walrus Punch
DotA2 Skills: Waning Rift
DotA2 Skills: Warcry
DotA2 Skills: Warpath
DotA2 Skills: Wave of Terror
DotA2 Skills: Waveform
DotA2 Skills: Weave
DotA2 Skills: Wex
DotA2 Skills: Whirling Axes (Melee)
DotA2 Skills: Whirling Axes (Ranged)
DotA2 Skills: Whirling Death
DotA2 Skills: Wild Axes

DotA2 Skills: Wind Walk
DotA2 Skills: Windrun
DotA2 Skills: Winter's Curse
DotA2 Skills: Witchcraft

DotA2 Skills: Wraithfire Blast
DotA2 Skills: Wrath of Nature
DotA2 Skills: X Marks the Spot
DotA2 Skills: X Marks the Spot Return

Sekian Skill" dari Dota 2.

Sumber :

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